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The Kosher Culture Handbook
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Our Mission
The Kosher Culture Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that promotes and supports Jewish continuity, celebrating the rich diversity of Jewish heritage, observance and ancestry.
Our Vision
The Kosher Culture Foundation Web Portal strives to be the most comprehensive Jewish Online Resource Center on the Internet with a focus on Jewish Education, Kashrut, Cultural Heritage, Community Service & Brotherhood, for all Jews.
Whom we serve...
The Kosher Culture Foundation serves the full spectrum of Jewish educational, cultural, communal, charitable and social service organizations and individuals, spanning the diversity of all heritage backgrounds, nurturing an interest in genuine Jewish values, observance and traditions, providing opportunities for personal growth, by recognizing our past, celebrating our culture, promoting services to the Jewish community worldwide today, and for generations to come.
What we do...
- Digital Resource Portal... gateway to all available Jewish Educational & Kashrut Resources, Community Services & Jewish Organizations, Shuls, Gemachs, Mikvahs, Sites, Links, Libraries, Museums, Activities & Events globally …all the tools for every Jew’s daily needs and personal development.
- Jewish Awareness... with our weekly Net Magazine "Taste of Torah", on the Biblical portion of the week [parsha], Kashrut and Jewish year cycle & life cycle customs, and relevant observance & halachic issues.
- Jewish Education...learn more about Torah, Judaism, Kashrut & principles of faith; Words of Torah, Jewish History & Philosophy, Learning and Cultural opportunities, referrals, organizations and institutions.
- Charitable Organization Support... promoting & expanding recognition and funding for established and recognized Torah & Jewish Service institutions and charitable “tzedaka” organizations and services worldwide.
- Book Distribution... online applications for donations of Jewish Tradition and Observance books to reputable Libraries, Educational Institutions, and Research Facilities. Proactive research to find appropriate destinations for book donations.
- Lecture Series... National and International lectures & speakers at schools, community centers and organizational facilities on topic; Shabbaton Weekends & Holiday Workshops.
- Hotline Abuse, Emergency & Referral Service... with therapists, counselors, and Rabbis.
We will have enjoyable, user-friendly Internet, links, and a comprehensive Torah Resource Database.
We will offer a vast array of Torah Insights, Shiurim/Lectures, Bibliographies and fundamentals of Jewish education (to enable anyone to search for Jewish and Halachic Issues on any topic).
We will host the only Open Discussion Forum for Jewish topics, observance and halacha/ law that will be constantly monitored by Rabbis for appropriate content, who will answer all questions in real time. (This will be the only current Jewish Discussion Forum which will be reviewed concurrently.) will feature the most complete and contemporary Multimedia Web Portal & Jewish Resource Database on the net. |
The Kosher Culture Foundation sponsors the following…
Our weekly Net Magazine “Taste of Torah”.
- Enlightening Words of Torah [Divrei Torah] from recognized Rabbis worldwide.
Live and archived Shiurim~Lessons from top "Beit Midrashim" / Yeshivot [Torah Higher Education facilities] worldwide.
1-to-1 online Individual Chevruta Lessons, and Group Sessions~Shiurim geared from Beginner to Advanced Torah Students.
The Kosher Culture Foundation staff & members...
Our Rabbis and Authors are Torah observant, so they approach Jewish law and custom from a traditional perspective, but our Foundation avoids labels and politics, and aims to enrich the lives of all Jews. The Kosher Culture Foundation has members and staff from diverse cultural backgrounds exemplifying the true Jewish principle of Brotherhood, with open arms to all worldwide.
The Kosher Culture Foundation will help increase Jewish identity and Education, and will enable Outreach and Cultural Identification opportunities for all Jews.
We will accomodate all levels of learning and Jewish spirituality.
Join us in our vision of keeping Torah alive and vibrant,
giving honor and dignity to all members of the Jewish community!
Synagogues |
Judaica |
Prayer |
Acts of Kindness |
True Torah Spirituality
Get Involved ~ Get Connected
Be a happy, fullfilled Jew! |
At Present:
The Internet serves millions of Jews worldwide, both observant and non-affiliated. Despite the many sites hosting many aspects of Judaism, the availability of Torah True material is limited. Also, the information available is divided to many sites, making it difficult to find all your answers in one place.
The dissemination of Torah in multimedia formats has not yet been fully utilized, nor have most Jewish sites catered completely to the religious, spiritual & cultural needs of the diverse Jewish populace. |
The Solution:
The Kosher Culture Foundation will be the central resource center for Jews seeking information on Educational programs and institutions, Outreach facilities and programs, Heritage events, Jewish Historical information, Kashrut, and Jewish Charitable Organizations and Services worldwide.
By supporting us, you give to yourself, your friends, your children, and your children’s children. You help in the continuity of our rich heritage, you rejoice in our Holidays and customs, spread the beauty of Judaism worldwide, and help ignite the Jewish spark in the heart, mind and soul of vulnerable youth globally. |
World Jewish News

Kashrut Certification

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