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"Taste of Torah"
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The Kosher Culture Handbook
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The Kosher Culture Foundation is an independent
non-profit organization that promotes and supports
Jewish continuity, celebrating the rich diversity of
Jewish heritage, observance and ancestry.
We strive to be the most comprehensive
Jewish Resource Center on the Internet
with a focus on Jewish Education, Kosher living,
Community Services, History,
Cultural Heritage
and Unity for all Jews.
Observance of Kashrut elevates the Jew, fostering development of self-control
by instilling restraint on one of life's most basic needs and impulses, nourishment.
Kashrut (Kosher) and "Brachot" (Blessings over food) constantly remind us that HaShem is the source of all goodness in the world.
The Kosher Culture Foundation distributes the
Kosher Culture Handbook
to Libraries and Schools globally,
publishes the weekly Taste of Torah net magazine,
furnishes information on Kosher certification
and hosts a database of kosher fare worldwide.
From Fiddler on the Roof, to Yiddish Theatre,
to Klezmer, to Bagels & Lox,
Jewish Culture weaves a rich tapestry
of sights, sounds, and palatory pleasures.
The Kosher Culture Foundation celebrates
the world of Jewish arts, heritage, custom,
and that which embraces our unique multi-cultural
ancestry from Biblical times until today.
The Kosher Culture Foundation presents
online lessons ("shiurim"), and an
extensive database of Jewish educatonal institutions, programs and net resources.
Torah is the blueprint of Creation and the Universe.
Moses (Moshe Rabeinu) received the Word of God on behalf of the Jewish Nation on Mt. Sinai…
This Torah provides a link from generation to generation, teaching our philosophy, observance, history and behavior guidelines for young and old.
The Kosher Culture Foundation serves Jewish cultural, communal, charitable and social service organizations and individuals, & traditionally observant educational institutions and programs, spanning the diversity of all heritage backgrounds.
We nurture any interest in genuine Jewish values, observance and traditions, providing opportunities for personal growth by recognizing our past, celebrating our culture, promoting services for the Jewish community worldwide today, and for generations to come.
Our Kosher Culture Foundation net magazine
offers a “Taste of Torah” weekly,
with a Biblical portion-of-the-week “parsha” appetizer,
entrée of laws and customs of Kashrut, side dishes of the Jewish year & life-cycle customs,
and morsels of relevant observance & halachic issues,
topped off by a dessert of
current Nutrition and Health concepts.
This sumptuous meal is served to whet the appetite
for Jewish Awareness,
and satiate the palate with generous helpings
of Jewish tradition, observance, heritage and pride.
The Kosher Culture Handbook is a basic handbook of
all things food-related in Torah, from laws & customs
of Kashrut, to symbolic and holiday foods year round, and at special life celebrations.
The Kosher Culture Foundation distributes this important educational tool to all accredited libraries nationwide, [and soon worldwide], FREE of charge.
We have online applications and request forms for reputable libraries, educational institutions,
and research facilities to apply for book donations,
and we proactively research appropriate recipients.
We feature links to all the major
Israel and Jewish World News sites daily…
with active links and current contact information.
You can keep up with Jewish headlines,
events, politics, Israel, celebrities
and celebrations worldwide.
You will soon be able to send a press release
or op-ed piece to all the major news sources
at a single click.